Privacy policy

Last updated: February 19th, 2024

The privacy of your data—and it is your data, not ours!—is a big deal to us. In this policy, we lay out: what data we collect and why; how your data is handled; and your rights with respect to your data.

This policy applies to TagInbox service from TagInbox Corporation

We do not sell your personal information to third parties, and we won’t use your name or company in marketing statements without your permission either.

What we collect and why

Our guiding principle is to collect only what we need. Here’s what that means in practice:

Identity & access

When you setup TagInbox, you provide identifying information such as your name, email address, and maybe a company name. You also authorize TagInbox to manage your email, during which your email provider (Microsoft Office365 or Google Suite or such) will directly authenticate you (or the administrator of email for your organization), describe the implications and get your consent to authorize TagInbox.

Product interactions

TagInbox, for providing its signature service of supercharging email for collaboration and improving workflow, manages your email, organizes it into Client Rooms, provides a variety of collaboration primitives to improve your workflow, all for giving a big boost to your productivity. All of the data involved in that process, is yours and yours alone. TagInbox keeps minimal data on its servers and uses your mailbox and your team mailbox to manage, organize emails and such and optionally saves snapshots of Tags and Tasks on your team mailbox. TagInbox keeps this content as long as your account is active. If you delete your account, we’ll delete the content within 60 days.

Geolocation data

For your own security, TagInbox logs the full IP address used to access its services and for supporting whitelisting protection for you to restrict your staff to access TagInbox only from designated work locations.

Website interactions

At this point your browsing activity of our corporate website is not tracked or analyzed. You can voluntarily register for promotions if you're interested.

Anti-bot assessments

We do not use third-party CAPTCHA services at this time. If we do, for your security, we will update this privacy policy.

Advertising and Cookies

TagInbox does not run contextual ads at this time, nor use cookies to track you. Should we run contextual ads in the future, we will update this privacy policy.

Voluntary correspondence

When you email TagInbox with a question or to ask for help, we keep that correspondence, including your email address, so that we have a history of past correspondence to reference if you reach out in the future.

We also store information you may volunteer, for example, written responses to surveys. If you agree to a customer interview, we may ask for your permission to record the conversation for future reference or use. We will only do so with your express consent.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII), in summary

To summarize, the following PII is collected to provide TagInbox service when you subscribe:

When we access or share your information

To help you troubleshoot or squash a software bug, with your permission. If at any point we need to access your content to help you with a support case, we will ask for your consent before proceeding.

To monitor the integrity and health of servers.If a server component fails or behaves abnormally, database, processes or email server connections may be tested or reset to restore or resume system functionality.

To investigate, prevent, or take action regarding restricted uses. Accessing a customer’s account when investigating potential abuse is a measure of last resort. We want to protect the privacy and safety of both our customers and the people reporting issues to us, and we do our best to balance those responsibilities throughout the process. If we discover you are using our products for a restricted purpose, we will take action as necessary, including notifying appropriate authorities where warranted.

When required under applicable law.

Finally, if TagInbox Corporation is acquired by or merges with another company, we’ll notify you well before any of your personal information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Your rights with respect to your information

At TagInbox, we strive to apply the same data rights to all customers, regardless of their location. Some of these rights include:

Many of these rights can be exercised by signing in and updating your account information.

If you have questions about exercising these rights or need assistance, please contact us at or at TagInbox Corporation, 4205 148th Ave NE, Suite 104, Bellevue, WA 98007 USA. If an authorized agent is corresponding on your behalf, we will need written consent with a signature from the account holder before proceeding.

If you are in the EU or UK, you can contact your data protection authority to file a complaint or learn more about local privacy laws.

How we secure your data

All data is encrypted via SSL/TLS when transmitted from our servers to your browser. The database backups are also encrypted. In addition, we go to great lengths to secure your data at rest.

What happens when you delete content in your product accounts

In many of our applications, we give you the option to trash content. Anything you trash in your product accounts while they are active will be kept in an accessible trash can for about 25 days (it varies a little by product). After that time, the trashed content cannot be accessed via the application and we are not able to retrieve it for you. The trashed content may remain on our active servers for another 30 days, and copies of the content may be held in backups of our application databases for up to another 30 days after that. Altogether, any content trashed in your product accounts should be purged from all of our systems and logs within 90 days.

If you choose to cancel your account, your content will become immediately inaccessible and should be purged from our systems in full within 60 days. This applies both for cases when an account owner directly cancels and for auto-canceled accounts.

Location of site and data

We use industrial strength hosting providers, including Microsoft Azure. The servers we use could be located in any of the global data centers of Microsoft Azure. By using our websites or Services and/or providing us with your personal information, you acknowledge that the data may be stored in any of the global data centers.

Changes & questions

We may update this policy as needed to comply with relevant regulations and reflect any new practices. Whenever we make a significant change to our policies, we will refresh the date at the top of this page and take any other appropriate steps to notify users.

Have any questions, comments, or concerns about this privacy policy, your data, or your rights with respect to your information? Please get in touch by emailing us at and we’ll be happy to try to answer them!


If you suspect a breach, please contact our Data Breach Officer, Raja Abburi, at

If you are concerned about data protection, please contact our Data Protection Officer, also, Raja Abburi, at


Adapted from the Basecamp open-source policies / CC BY 4.0